It happened in the sixties, during the political thaw in the Soviet Union... but our story unfolds in the coldest terrain of the country. It was an unexplored and unbeaten terrain of boundless ice-field and forbidding rocks. This was the proper place for real men and real romantics. Our story is about the geologists prospecting gold in the Extreme North.
- 🗺 adventure
- 👥 drama
- Konstantin LavronenkoIlya Chinkov
- Grigoriy DobryginSergei Baklakov
- Egor BeroevVladimir Mongolov
- Kseniya Kutepovajournalist Sergushova
- Yevgeni TsyganovAndrei Gurin
- Dmitriy SharakoisPhoenix
- Olga KraskoLyuda Hollywood
- Vladimir KachanRobykin
- Vladislav AbashinZhora Apryatin
- Andrey NazimovMalysh, Baby
- Alexandr Proshinradio operator at the airport
- Garasim Vasilevold man Kyae
- Konstantin ShelestunKutsenko
- Konstantin BalakirevKefir
- Oleg ShapkovGrey
- Pyotr Fyodorovuncle Kostya
- Oleg SokolovGod of Fire
- Ramis IbragimovBeard
- Aleksandr KorshunovSidorchuk
- Dmitriy MulyarFurdetskiy
- Evgeniy TitovBorya Bardykin
- Aleksandr Suchkovmajor
- Boris Bachurincoryphaeus
- Natalya Danilova-