Next Summer
Edouard is patriarch of a large family: his second wife, Jeanne, has just had a baby and finally had enough of his philandering. As the marriage between them unravels, Edouard's daughters experience their own emotional shock waves. Dina, in a relationship with playwright Paul, wants more from her daily life, while Sidone is married to a fellow musician but is terrified of performing in public. Fast-forward seven years: Edouard is gravely ill, and the family shares their issues, hopes and fears.
- 👥 drama
- Philippe NoiretEdouard
- Claudia CardinaleJeanne
- Fanny ArdantDina
- Jean-Louis TrintignantPaul
- Marie TrintignantSidonie
- Jérôme AngerJude
- Pierre-Loup RajotFarou
- Hubert DeschampsLe voisin de Paul
- Christian MarquandPierre
- Riton LiebmanManuel
- Serge MarquandLe professeur à l'hôpital
- Jean-Paul MuelL'homma à la voiture
- Benoît RégentLe médecin
- Flora Alberti-
- Gérard Camp-
- Sylvain GreenUn comédien théâtre
- Colette CharbonneauMadame Rémy
- Edwige NavarroJuliette enfant
- Raphaèle Driay-
- Alexandra Garijo-
- Anna Gaylor-
- Judith GodrècheNickie
- Pascale Haleblian-
- Martine JungL'infirmière à Marseille