The Bitter Part of River
While trying to push away a little boy who keeps coming near his cottage at the river, a whimsical mayor meets boy's mother. These people find hard to make contacts because of their own troublemarks from the past, even though they know that the common effort is needed for the future and survival.
- 👥 drama
- Ljuba TadićIlija 'Major'
- Ružica SokićJelena
- Ljubomir StankovićJelenin sin Miško
- Nikola SimićJevrem Ristić
- Pavle VuisićRibar
- Zoran RadmilovićDoktor
- Miodrag 'Deba' PopovićAutomehaničar
- Borivoje TodorovićPoštar
- Miroslava BobićCiganka
- Nada KasapićIlijina bivša žena
- Vesna KrajinaDevojka
- Milan ŠećerovićMladić
- Siniša IvetićIlijin suparnik
- Gizela VukovićIlijina sestra
- Petar ObradovićIlijin zet