The Wedding Tackle
The sexual rivalries between a group of friends cause comic chaos during a stag night celebration.
- 😆 comedy
- Adrian DunbarMr. Mac
- James PurefoyHal
- Tony SlatteryLittle Ted
- Neil StukeSalty
- Leslie GranthamGeorge
- Victoria SmurfitClodagh
- Susan VidlerVinni
- Amanda RedmanPetula
- Martin ArmstrongTrev
- Sara StockbridgeFelicity
- Al Hunter AshtonTaxi Driver
- Saul CambridgeHead Chef
- Mark GilvaryBarman
- Marshall LancasterChef with Chops
- Gary RossPolice Sergeant
- Diane WorswickBarmaid
- Brad ShawChef with Melon
- Angela SaulCat Owner
- Jilly HorneGirl in Crypt
- Sally HorneBarmaid in Gallery
- Roger GartlandVicar