Murder at 45 R.P.M.
Danielle Darrieux stars in this French thriller as a singer having an affair with her accompanist. When her husband dies in an automobile accident, the two lovers suspect each other of having murdered him. Soon after, they receive 45 rpm records with the dead man’s voice, threatening to come back.
- 🔍 mystery
- 🔪 thriller
- Danielle DarrieuxEve Faugères
- Michel AuclairJean Le Prat
- Jean ServaisMaurice Faugères
- Raymond GérômeLe Commissaire
- Mathilde CasadesusElsa
- Jacqueline DannoFlorence
- Julien VerdierL'aveugle
- Bernard MussonLe valet
- Madeleine BarbuléeLa secrètaire
- Ada LonatiLa bonne
- Henri GuisolGeorges Meliot
- Hubert DeschampsLe vendeur d'autos
- Grégoire Gromoff-
- Jacques Galland-
- Bernard LajarrigeMoureu