Kalte Küsse
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After the corpse of the programmer Klaus Pape was found neatly dismantled in a freezer, Commissioner Beate Stein starts the research that will lead her to both the red-light district and the better society of Hamburg.
- 🔪 thriller
- Marie BäumerBeate 'Bea' Stein
- Jochen NickelWeber
- Natja BrunckhorstEva 'Lamia' Wessel
- Angelica DomröseFrau Wessel
- Karoline EichhornSilke Pape geb. Wessel
- Matthias FuchsProf. Christoph Wessel
- Thomas HeinzeStaatsanwalt Dr. Kühn
- Arthur BraussDr. Mockenhaupt
- Hannes JaenickeLemmy Kaminski
- Anna LoosHure
- Klaus DittmannDr. Fleischer
- Marion BreckwoldtHure
- Ursula HinrichsKrankenschwester
- Till HusterKrankenpfleger
- Rolf NagelHeinze
- Sabine VituaAnna