Argentine NightsArgentine NightsSeptember 6, 194066% · 375 minsLoginResumen:An all-girl band flees to Argentina to avoid their creditors. Comedy with songs.Géneros:😆 comedy🎤 musicDirector:Albert S. RogellCast:Constance MooreBonnie BrooksGeorge ReevesEduardo EstabanPeggy MoranPeggyAnne NagelLindaKathryn AdamsCarolFerike BorosMama ViejosPaul PorcasiPapa ViejosAl RitzAlHarry RitzHarryJimmy RitzJimmyMaxene AndrewsMaxene AndrewsPatty AndrewsPattyLaverne AndrewsLaverne AndrewsRelacionados:Poltergays: Pesadija en lo profundo del rectoEl solteroThe Night of the DuckAllá en el NorteBuscando a ReynolsInseparablesCapital (Todo el mundo va a Buenos Aires)Okay, JoséA Few Feet AwayThe Film CriticWild HorsesThe Blonde on the Road