This Western is a pilot for the series "The Iron Horse," in which a dapper frontier gambler wins a railroad line in a poker game and has his hands full holding it from the clutches of various conniving bad guys.
- 🏜 western
- Dale RobertsonBenjamin Calhoun
- Robert RandomBarnabas Rogers
- Diana HylandMartha Grenier
- Sandra SmithJoanna Royce
- Lloyd BochnerJohn Pendennis
- David SheinerFrontiersman
- James WesterfieldNehemiah
- John AndersonStandish
- Todd ArmstrongDave Tarrant
- Robert CinderBrooks
- Roger TorreyNiles Tovald
- Cliff HallJudge Biddle
- Woodrow ParfreyHolmes
- James DoohanScrimp
- Herb VolandBuckeye Sullivan
- Eddie FirestoneBundle
- Harry SwoggerGroat
- Ed GriffithBriscoe
- Harry BaschPrinter
- Paul SorensenConnelly
- Howard MortonJustin Fornier
- Sydna ScottFrench Kate
- Jerry SummersBrooks
- Stephanie HillLucy