A breed of humans with dangerously powerful telepathic abilities -- the scanners -- are being recruited by a corrupt police commander, John Forrester, in his crusade to take over the city.
- 👊 action
- 👹 horror
- 🚀 science-fiction
- David HewlettDavid Kellum
- Deborah RaffinJulie Vale
- Yvan PontonCommander John Forrester
- Isabelle MejiasAlice Leonardo
- Tom ButlerDoctor Morse
- Raoul Max TrujilloPeter Drak
- Vlasta VranaLt. Gelson
- Murray WestgateGeorge Kellum
- Doris PetrieSusan Kellum
- Dorothée BerrymanMayor
- Michael RudderFeck
- David FrancisGruner
- Victor KnightVet School Prof.
- Jason CavalierConvenience Store Thug
- Russell YuenConvenience Store Thug
- Tyrone BenskinStore Owner
- Dawn Tyler WatsonCashier
- Perry SchneidermanKarman Lucret
- Michael McGillMilk Murderer
- Carl AlacchiDegenerate Scanner
- Simone-Elise GirardDegenerate Scanner
- Ais SnyderDegenerate Scanner
- Kevin FenlonDegenerate Scanner
- Dorian Joe ClarkYancy
- Mark CamachoParamedic
- Yves LangloisMorse Inst. Guard
- René MaloDoctor in Hospital Hallway (uncredited)
- Anthony UlcPoliceman