After inheriting a fortune Tereza Cristina, Crodoalvo Valerius, better known as "Crô", is tired of life millionaire. Determined to find a new muse who can devote his life, he begins a personal quest that makes interview several turkeys. Your goal is to find one that is best qualified to own that he can serve as a steward, as he did with his former employer. However, after much review, just realizing that his ideal muse is exactly the one I had ever imagined.
- 😆 comedy
- Marcelo SerradoCrô
- Carolina FerrazVanusa
- Alexandre NeroBaltazar
- Kátia MoraesMarilda
- Carlos MachadoJean Jacques
- Milhem CortazRiquelme
- Úrzula CanaviriPaloma
- Nataly CabanasElena
- Mari NogueiraJuana
- Ivete SangaloMãe de Crô
- Ana Maria BragaApresentadora de TV
- Luciana PaesAriadne
- Karin RodriguesFrancisca
- Gaby AmarantosGaby Amarantos
- Alice AssefGilda
- Tiago AbravanelJuiz de Paz