Shawn Michaels defends the WWF Championship against Ken Shamrock. The Rock challenges Stone Cold Steve Austin for the WWF Intercontinental Championship. Plus, see The Road Warriors challenge The New Age Outlaws for the WWF World Tag Team Championship, the final match in the tournament to determine the first ever WWF Light Heavyweight Champion, and more!
- 👊 action
- 👥 drama
- Michael HickenbottomShawn Michaels
- Ken KilpatrickKen Shamrock
- Steven AndersonStone Cold Steve Austin
- Dwayne JohnsonRocky Maivia
- Jeffrey Jarrett"Double J" Jeff Jarrett
- Mark CalawayThe Undertaker
- Paul LévesqueHHH
- Robert RemusSgt. Slaughter
- Mike HegstrandHawk
- Joe LaurinaitisAnimal
- Monty Sopp"Bad Ass" Billy Gunn
- Brian JamesThe Road Dogg
- Takao YoshidaTaka Michinoku
- Brian LawlerBrian Christopher
- Marc Mero"Marvelous" Marc Mero
- Eric EschButterbean
- Brian Lee HarrisChainz
- Ron Harris8-Ball
- Don HarrisSkull
- Miguel Pérez Jr.Miguel
- Jose Estrada JrJose
- Jesús Castillo Ortiz JrJesús
- Juan RiveraSavio Vega
- Ron SimmonsFaarooq
- Charles WrightKama Mustafa
- Accie Julius ConnorD'Lo Brown
- Rena Marlette LesnarSable
- ChynaHerself