A portion of the tail of a prehistoric reptile is discovered in Denmark. It regenerates into the entire reptile, which proceeds to destroy buildings and property and generally make a nuisance of itself. It can fly, swim, and walk, and has impenetrable scales, which makes it difficult to kill.
- 👹 horror
- 🚀 science-fiction
- Bent MejdingSvend Viltorft
- Asbjørn AndersenProfessor Martens
- Ann SmyrnerLise Martens
- Mimi HeinrichKaren Martens
- Dirch PasserPetersen
- Marlies BehrensConnie Miller
- Carl OttosenUS General
- Ole WisborgCapt. Einer Brandt
- Birthe Wilke-
- Bodil MillerConnie Miller
- Mogens BrandtPolice Chief Hassing
- Kjeld PetersenPolice Officer Olsen
- Alex Suhr-
- Alfred Wilken-
- Bent Vejlby-
- Knud Hallest-
- Benny Juhlin-
- Martin Stander-
- Børge Møller Grimstrup-
- Hardy Jensen-
- Poul Thomsen-
- Svend Johansen-
- Jørgen Blaksted-
- Claus Toksvig-