The Death Ray of Dr. Mabuse
The evil Dr. Mabuse develops a death ray with which he threatens the world.
- 🔪 thriller
- 🚀 science-fiction
- 🔍 mystery
- Peter van EyckMaj. Bob Anders
- O.E. HasseProf. Larsen
- Yvonne FurneauxGilda Larsen
- Walter RillaProf. Pohland
- Ernst SchröderChefarzt
- Dieter EpplerKaspar
- Wolfgang PreissDr. Mabuse
- Rika DialinaJudy
- Robert BeattyCol. Matson
- Valéry InkijinoffDr. Krishna
- Claudio GoraDirektor Botani, Dr. Mabuse
- Gustavo RojoMario Monta
- Massimo PietrobonJason Monta
- Charles FawcettCmdr. Adams
- Erich KoltschackLutto
- Feodor Chaliapin Jr.Apotheker
- Leo GennAdm. Quency
- Yoko TaniMercedes
- Renate DanzMercedes (voice)
- Erich FiedlerDirektor Botani (voice)
- Heinz GieseCol. Matson (voice)
- Reinhard KolldehoffLotus (voice)
- Arnold MarquisAdm. Quency (voice)
- Gerd MartienzenMario Monta (voice)
- Joachim NottkeDr. Mabuse (voice)
- Friedrich SchoenfelderJason Monta (voice)
- Siegfried SchürenbergCmdr. Adams (voice)
- Fritz TillmannDr. Krishna (voice)
- Alexander WelbatKaspar (voice)