Sanfte MordeImage not foundSanfte MordeJanuary 29, 19970% · 075 minsLoginResumen:Bernd Schadewald's thriller based on a screenplay by Burkhard Driest.Géneros:👥 drama🔪 thrillerDirector:Bernd SchadewaldCast:Julia JägerBeate ReitzHerbert KnaupDr. PlathRenate KrößnerDr. WeberOliver StritzelDr. NordwigStephan Bissmeier-Eva Brumby-Reinhard von Hacht-Benita Rinne-Relacionados:The Dark KnightJokerThe Dark Knight RisesInglourious BasterdsParasiteShutter IslandGone GirlThe Imitation GameThe AccountantThe Silence of the LambsGravityBlade Runner