The film, set in 1912, is about the exploits of France's first motorized police brigade.
- 👊 action
- 🗺 adventure
- 💣 crime
- Clovis CornillacCommissioner Paul Valentin
- Diane KrugerPrincess Constance Radetsky
- Édouard BaerInspector Pujol
- Olivier GourmetInspector Marcel 'Le Colosse' Terrasson
- Thierry FrémontPiotr
- Jacques GamblinJules Bonnot
- Stefano AccorsiTrainee inspector Achille Bianchi
- Léa DruckerLéa
- Philippe DuquesneCasimir Cagne
- Didier FlamandPrefect of police
- Gérard JugnotChief commissioner Faivre
- Agnès SoralMademoiselle Amélie
- Eric PratAlphonse Bertillon
- Capucine AckermannSolène Terrasson
- Benjamin MonnierSolène's fiancé
- Roland CopéRaymond Poincaré, President of the Republic
- Nicholas CalderbankSir Hollingworth
- Anton YakovlevPrince's secretary
- Valérie MischlerSinger
- Marie VinoySinger
- David BollingLawyer
- Antonio CauchoisInvestigating judge
- Didier LafayeDoctor
- Mathilde MottierReceptionnist of "L'Humanité"
- Luc GuiolMobile police agent
- Robert PaturelReferee
- Grégory RagotMobile police agent
- Olivier Sa-
- Béatrice MichelMrs. Terrasson
- Hélène SeuzaretAdèle Bianci
- Félix MalinbaumPerrin, mobile police agent
- Dominique LouyotMrs. Caby
- Luc-Antoine SalmontResident of Ivry
- Janis MunzLittle girl from the popular market halls
- Rebecca MunzLittle girl from the popular market halls
- Eric DebrosseCommissioner Jouin
- Frédéric JeannotNewspaper seller
- Olivier BreuilsRoget, mobile police agent
- Frédéric BouralyCaby
- Dan HerzbergGauzy
- Jean-Christophe BouvetJudge at the trial
- Gérard LoussineSteemans
- Mathias MlekuzHennion
- Alexandre ArbattDoctor Tanpisev
- Alain FiglarzInspector Jacquemin
- André MarconJean Jaurès, socialist deputy
- Marc RobertOctave Garnier
- Pierre BerriauRaymond Caillememin
- Richaud VallsPelletier
- Aleksandr MedvedevPrince Volkonsky, plenipotentiary of the Tsar